

FBC-AC provides after school care for students in 7th-12th grades (for FBC-AC church members) and 7th-10th grades (for non-members). Our schedule is Monday-Friday, after school from 3-5:00 p.m. at the Family Life Center (FLC). 




  • To register, please fill out THIS FORM and return it to FBC-AC or 
  • Applications for the program are printed at the FLC desk if you need a hard copy. 
  • Students will have a grace period of the first week to get these applications filled out, signed and turned in. Then, after the first week, if a student has not turned in their application, they cannot participate in the program. 
  • If a first-time student arrives after the first week, the new student will be allowed to participate that day but they cannot participate any other day until the application is filled out, signed, and turned in. 


  • Students must arrive by 3:30 p.m. in order to participate in the program that day. Students can walk over from the middle school and high school and come to the FLC for play, Bible time, and homework. 
  • Please note: We will not be selling any food or drinks but rather we will provide a light snack daily. 
  • Students will sign themselves in each day as they always have but they will not be allowed to sign themselves out. Parents or legal guardians must physically come into the FLC and sign their children out each day. If a parent is not picking them up, they can call the FLC and make arrangements for someone else to sign their child out, however, that person must physically come into the FLC and sign the student out. 
  • The church phone number is: 256-234-6351. 


  • 3:00-3:30 - Free time for students to arrive and settle in. Students must sign in by 3:30.
  • 3:30-4:00 - A focused time of a group devotion and study hall without any games in the gym or game room area. 
  • 4:00-5:00 - Organized "all play games" (like volleyball, kickball, etc.) or a free play day.


If you have further questions, please