Fuge Camp 6/9-6/14

Who: 7-12th graders

What: Fuge Camp

When: 6/9-6/14

Where: North Greenville University

Contact: Joey Jones (334) 201-8255   joey@fbc-ac.org

Why: At Centrifuge, students are placed into groups for recreation and Bible study by grade completed. Students will sign up for Track Times where they can participate in activities like basketball, painting, learning about spiritual gifts, sign language, and other options!

Each activity at Centrifuge is intentional to tie into the spiritual theme for the day, enjoy time with peers, deepen friendships, and give students the chance to try something new.

How Much:  Please be on the lookout for fundraisers

$285 total (If you pay the $20 deposit before March 1st)


$385 total (If you register after March 1st)

$20 Deposit due by March 1st

$150 By May 1st

$ Remainder By June 1st

Follow link to pay deposit:
